Poetry of Fly Fishing
the poetry of fly fishing
Canturbury Tales - Chaucer
The Prelude - Book 1 - Wordsworth
Glimmerglass - The Deerslayer
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
The Close of Autumn
A Winter Piece
The Prelude - Book One, Introduction
Childhood and School-time
My Heart Leaps up When I Behold
The Heart of Night - Bliss
A Thunderstorm - Dickinson
The Shepherd - Blake
'Arned by Deeds - The Deerslayer
Killdeer - The Deerslayer
Vision - Joyce Kilmer
The Rainow Never Tells - Dickinson
Stream of Life - Tagore
Preface to the Lyrical Ballads - Wordsworth
Sunrise - The Deerslayer - James Fenimore Cooper
Lines Written in Early Spring
The Lamb - Blake
aAlastor, or, the Spirit of Solitude
The Firmament - Bryant
The Solitary Reaper - Wordsworth
Stars - Bronte
Song of the Stars - Bryant
The Ballad of Jeremiah Johnson
Hunting Song - Sir Walter Scott
Old Cumberland Beggar - Wordsworth
Ode on Solitude - Pope
The Stream's Secret - Rossetti
Morning - The Deerslayer
The Singer - Deniord